Shortcuts! Use Them!
Cards on the table, we love Chromebooks. They’re a fast, relatively low-cost portal to powerful learning opportunities. And that’s what we want out of classroom technology: something to push learning beyond current limitations.
We collected some next-level tips every Chromebook-using instructor should know:
Shortcuts! Use Them!
There are tons of em. Here are some major ones you should be using:
Ctrl+N: New window
Ctrl+T: New tab
Ctrl+Shift+W: Close current window
Ctrl+Tab: Next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Right/Left Arrow: Select text one word at a time
Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Select text one line at a time
Alt + F or Alt + E: Opens Chrome settings menu
Alt+1, Alt+2: Navigate between different windows
Ctrl+Shift+a: Select all
Alt+Tab: Go to next window
Ctrl+F: Find
Shift+Search: Caps lock/disable caps lock
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